La Baraja Española: Las Personas de los Bastos y los Oros
Each reader of la Baraja Española uses a personal set of meanings. These are Kerian’s keywords for the people portrayed in the Bastos and Oros suits. 290 words.
La Baraja Española: Las Escenas de las Copas
Each reader of la Baraja Española uses a personal set of meanings. These are Kerian’s keywords for the scenes portrayed in the Espadas suit. 221 words.
La Baraja Española: Las Escenas de las Espadas
Each reader of la Baraja Española uses a personal set of meanings. These are Kerian’s keywords for the scenes portrayed in the Espadas suit. 169 words.
La Baraja Española: Las Escenas de los Oros
Each reader of la Baraja Española uses a personal set of meanings. These are Kerian’s keywords for the scenes portrayed in the Oros suit. 179 words.
La Baraja Española: Las Escenas de los Bastos
Each reader of la Baraja Española uses a personal set of meanings. These are Kerian’s keywords for the scenes portrayed in the Bastos suit. 426 words.
The Baraja Española
The Baraja Española is a playing card deck used in games of chance as well as for cartomancy. Having used this deck for private readings for some time, this deck will be randomly used for Free Tarot Readings, and available for paid readings shortly.