What Does The Deck Say? March 24, 2021
Today’s cards: Five of Coins, Lil’ Coin, & Eight of Coins
What Does The Deck Say? February 24, 2021
Today’s cards: 8 of Coins (reversed), King of Coins (reversed), & Queen of Coins.
What Does The Deck Say? December 14, 2020
Today’s cards: The Chariot [VII], 7 of Deniers, & 8 of Deniers. No photo is available for today’s post.
What Does The Deck Say? October 14, 2020
Today’s cards: Temperance [XIV], 8 of Deniers, & 5 of Deniers.
What Does The Deck Say? May 27, 2020
Today’s cards: 8 of Wands, Strength [XI], & 8 of Pentacles.
What Does The Deck Say? February 14, 2020
Today’s cards: 7 of Swords, 8 of Deniers, & 10 of Deniers.
What Does The Deck Say? January 17, 2020
Today’s cards: Queen of Deniers, 6 of Deniers, & 8 of Deniers.
What Does The Deck Say? October 16, 2019
The Universal Waite is Mary Hanson-Roberts’ recolored rendition of the Waite-Smith deck. Nearly identical lining is softened by gentle coloring. Some faces have been reworked to be more pleasing to the eye. The Universal Waite Tarot is ©US Games Systems, Inc. Today’s cards: 8 of Pentacles, The Devil [XV], & 9 of Wands (reversed).
What Does The Deck Say? October 1, 2019
The Universal Waite is Mary Hanson-Roberts’ recolored rendition of the Waite-Smith deck. Nearly identical lining is softened by gentle coloring. Some faces have been reworked to be more pleasing to the eye. The Universal Waite Tarot is ©US Games Systems, Inc. Today’s cards: 8 of Pentacles (reversed), 8 of Wands, & The Emperor [IV].
What Does The Deck Say? August 22, 2019
The Universal Tarot of Marseille is primarily based on a Swiss deck created in 1751 by by Claude Burdel. The pips have color backgrounds to assist readers with distinguishing suite and the majors have had the lines refined and color backgrounds added to soften the overall look. The Universal Tarot of Marseille is ©Lo Scarabeo.…