Ceci n’est pas une post
Unfortunately, no What Does The Deck Say post will be available for May 20, 2024. Please feel free to create your own luck, alibi, excuse, and/or omen according to your needs. Thank you.
Ceci n’est pas une post – January 1, 2024
Go do something good for yourself.
Free Cartomancy Reading: Anonymous
Anonymous asks, “Who was the nameless spirit? I heard them so clearly and crisp it threw me off.” and leaves the choice of deck up to the reader. Except I won’t be reading for this query because I can’t. An explanation follows after the jump.
Ceci n’est pas une post – October 26, 2023
Alas, there is no What Does The Deck Say post for October 26, 2023. Please feel free to engage in the shenanigans of your choice. Thank you.
Free Cartomancy Reading: Anonymous
Anonymous chooses the Red Magician Tarot to ask: “Does she feel any guilt when it comes to what she did to me? Will she move on and stop being toxic?“ However, I am not reading for that query.
Ceci n’est pas une post – September 15, 2023
Nothing like a little technical difficulty to dismantle one’s plans for the day. Whatever alibi you create is entirely up to you. Be creative.
Ceci n’est pas une post – September 1, 2023
It is with regret that there will be no What Does The Deck Say post for September 1, 2023. As such, your duty for the day is to create the most ridiculous, yet believable, alibi for whatever shenanigans you decide to get into. Good luck.
Ceci n’est pas une post
Because reasons, there will be no What Does The Deck Say post for Friday, August 11, 2023. There will be a modicum of advice: Don’t wait until the last second to do the thing. If you do it right, it will always take longer than the time you had allotted. If you do it in…
Ceci n’est pas une post: July 12, 2023
Due to (mostly) unforeseen shenanigans, there will be no What Does The Deck Say post for July 12, 2023. So, whatever you get up to today, make it fabulous, remarkable, and completely true to you.
Ceci n’est pas une post
There is no What Does The Deck Say post for June 16, 2023. If you get up to any shenanigans, make it worthwhile.