Tag: 30 Days of Tarot

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Eleven

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 11: What spread do you use most often/prefer and why? It’s not really a spread as it is leaning back and asking the universe what it got for the bonus question on the test.

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Ten

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 10: What card best represents you/your personality (or, is most often pulled to represent you in a spread)? My friends would tell you the Happy Squirrel. It’s a shame that none of my decks have that card.

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Nine

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 9: What card do you pull the most often? Why do you think that is the case? Hang on, lemme fire up this statistical doohickey…

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Eight

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 8: Which card do you dread pulling the most? Some bad news are harder to deliver than others.

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Seven

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 7: What is your favorite card (both in terms of the deck’s artwork and divinatory meaning)? You mean I have to choose?

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Six

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 6: What was the first spread you learned? Short Answer: It wasn’t the Celtic Cross!

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Five

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 5: When and where did you give your first reading?Short Answer: November 2007, on an outdoor bench at a local taqueria, and it was bullshit.

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Four

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 4: How long have you been reading the Tarot?Short Answer: Not as long as most people assume.

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Three

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 3: Do you have more than one deck that you use, and, if so, do you have a favorite? If not, why do you like the deck you have chosen?Short answer: I have 6 decks, and the default is the Universal Waite. Finally.

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Two

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 2: What was your first deck and why/how did you get it? Answer: The Universal Waite. Because my curiosity wouldn’t leave it alone.