Tag: 30 Days of Tarot

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Twenty-One

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 21: How do you feel when you do readings? I try not to. It’s not about me. It’s about the Querent and the cards.

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Twenty

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 20: Do you read for yourself and/or for others? Why or why not? Yes and yes. Because I love playing games.

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Nineteen

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 19: Do you feel/think the cards “think” or have their own consciousness? What do you believe makes the cards “tick?” (Is it magic/outside influences or all in the mind?) Despite all my rants about the cards trolling me and expressing sharp edges of sarcasm, the cards do not have…

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Eighteen

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 18: Do you feel a “connection” to your cards? Define “connection”. Do I have an emotional attachment to my cards? Yes.

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Seventeen

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 17: Do you do readings using reversals? Why or why not? It depends on the deck except for the Universal Waite. No reversals there.

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Sixteen

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 16: Do you ever use the Major Arcana without the Minor Arcana or vise verse? The former? Yes. The latter? It depends.

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Fifteen

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 15: How much emphasis do you put on the text-book meanings for cards, and how much stress do you place on the “feeling” you get from cards through their artwork/symbolism/etc. (aka reading intuitively)? Do you do both, or one or the other? It depends.

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Fourteen

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 14: For what purposes do you usually use the Tarot (self-reflection, guidance, advice, recreation, communing with spirits/dead, communication with deity, other)? Shuffling as a means of staying out of trouble.

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Thirteen

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 13: Is there a card that continuously stumps you when it is drawn? Why do you believe this to be so? Not one. Two. Because their meanings as I initially learned them and their meanings as I have come to understand them, overlap, contradict, and impede on each other.

  • 30 Days of Tarot: Day Twelve

    30 Days of Tarot — Day 12: Have you ever created your own spread? If so, how effective is it? (Feel free to show the spread.) I have created many, but most of those were one-shot affairs tailored to the Querent sitting across from me and their particular question. (I call it a game, but…