Public Reading: 2014-07-15.01
“Anonymous” inquires: “Is there something blocking my spiritual life, or are deities just not that into me? Thanks!”
Public Reading: 2014-07-07.01
“Mother” inquired: “My mother wanted me to ask: why she isn’t getting any callbacks when she applies for jobs? Thank you.” Something is giving the wrong message.
Question for Querent “Mother”
The answer was received and this post is now moot.
Public Reading: 2014-07-04.01
“Anonymous” inquires: “Can I trust the words he told me or were they they just a diversion ?” No.
Beta Testing: 2014-07-01.03
Beta Testing the Cups of Illusion 16-card tarot spread. S.G.’s reading. 1,082 words.
Beta Testing: 2014-07-01.02
Beta Testing the Cups of Illusion 16-card tarot spread. Feather Quill’s reading. 1,068 words.
Beta Testing: 2014-07-01.01
Beta Testing the Cups of Illusion 16-card tarot spread. Trav’s reading. 943 words.
Public Reading: 2014-07-01.01
“Anonymous” inquired: “Why is there so much commotion? Thanks.” Fallout from a previous decision.
Public Reading: 2014-06-30.01
“Chirotus” inquires: “likelihood of success if I were to attempt to finish my masters with thesis option by next summer” Not so good. Caveats apply.