What Does The Deck Say? February 11, 2020

Legacy of the Divine: Ace of Wands (reversed), The Chariot [VII] (reversed), & 4 of Coins.

Today’s cards: Ace of Wands (reversed), The Chariot [VII] (reversed), & 4 of Coins.

The hunkering continues, though for a different reason than yesterday. Today is not the day for pushing your luck. Today is the day for keeping your resources in your pocket and your tongue securely in your mouth.

The Legacy of the Divine is a work of art by Ciro Marchetti. Warm images tell a fantastic story across rural, urban, and fantasy settings. A visually inviting deck, it has hints of esotericism for those that are seeking such things, but those hints do not interfere with those that do not. The Legacy of the Divine is designed by Ciro Marchetti and ©Llewellyn Worldwide.

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