Today’s cards: 8 of Swords, Ace of Cups, & Queen of Swords.
You can’t control the environment but you can control how you respond to it. It would be easy to just lash out at everything and everyone until there is nothing close enough to prick you again, but this response would seal you in a desert of your own making. Instead, be compassionate to those stuck in here with you and to yourself especially. The way out will require a sharp and honest assessment of how you got here and what you are able to do now. The truth will sting, but it is your lantern in this darkness.
TrueBlack is the brainchild of Arthur Wang, designer and illustrator. All 22 Major Arcana cards feature an individual and distinctive additional gloss design, specifically illustrated to complement the card, which is difficult to capture in an image but a delight to view in person. All designs, illustrations, logistics, photography, and production is handled by Arthur. The TrueBlack Tarot is ©TrueBlack, LLC.
“What Does The Deck Say” is a weekday series of 3 card pulls from a cartomancy deck. No context or query is given to frame what the cards say as the posts are reading samples and not personal instruction. The result is sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, and usually surprising. All readers are invited to leave a comment about what they perceive in the random spread as each person will interact with the cards in their own way.
Personalized, direct, and private cartomancy readings are available via Ko-Fi: Noxporium.