What Does The Deck Say? October 25, 2019

Wyzard of Odd: Five of Cups, The Moon [XVIII], & Two of Wands.

Bryan Lahr’s Wyzard of Odd tarot deck is constructed with images of literally smoke and mirrors, and has the margins lined with correspondences from other religious and esoteric practices. The slightly oversize deck is also good for single card contemplation as the images fold onto themselves and the viewer.

Today’s cards: Five of Cups, The Moon [XVIII], & Two of Wands.

Don’t allow regret to set your feet in concrete. Use it as a tool to not only analyze what went wrong, but also what went right. The matter was never fully in your control, and you should only hold responsibility for that portion that was. Let that understanding settle into your bones and recalcify your resolve. Then get up, and move on.

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