What Does The Deck Say? March 23 2016

The Legacy of the Divine is a work of art by Ciro Marchetti. Warm images tell a fantastic story across rural, urban, and fantasy settings. A visually inviting deck, it has hints of esotericism for those that are seeking such things, but those hints do not interfere with those that do not.

Today’s cards: 2 of Cups, The Tower reversed, & Faith [V] reversed.

The Legacy of the Divine: 2 of Cups, The Tower reversed, & Faith [V] reversed.
The Legacy of the Divine: 2 of Cups, The Towerrv, & Faith [V]rv.
Love does not conquer all. If you allow it, love will blind you to dangers you should have seen coming from miles away. If you allow it, love will lead you to trusting those you should have known to stay far away from. Love does not conquer all, but it will conquer you if you abdicate yourself to it. The heart may want what the heart wants to want, but the mind must mind its actions.

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