Tag: The Hierophant

  • What Does The Deck Say? August 8, 2024

    What Does The Deck Say? August 8, 2024

    Today’s cards: Princess of Swords, The Hierophant, & Five of Disks. You did as you were told to do, because you were told that this is how it had worked for everyone else before. But you weren’t told of all the times that it didn’t, nor of all the times that things had to be…

  • What Does The Deck Say? August 5, 2024

    What Does The Deck Say? August 5, 2024

    Today’s cards: Queen of Cups, The Hierophant, & Page of Pentacles. Examine your feelings and their sources, but don’t get so lost in the examination that you fail to learn from them. Why you do the things you do is important to know so you can work on changing those habits that are not good…

  • What Does The Deck Say? June 27, 2024

    What Does The Deck Say? June 27, 2024

    Today’s cards: 8 of Cups (reversed), 3 of Pentacles (reversed), & The Hierophant. If you were any more done with this matter, the fact that it happened would be removed from the timeline entirely. However, it did happen, and here you are stuck in the middle of the consequences. As tempting as it would be…

  • What Does The Deck Say? June 10, 2024

    What Does The Deck Say? June 10, 2024

    Today’s cards: The Hierophant, Strength, & IV of Wands. There is a way to navigate the waters you have found yourself in, and this course has been proven trustworthy by the many that have gone before you, before today. You may look at the sail and question the necessity of the decoration, but you are…

  • What Does The Deck Say? June 4, 2024

    What Does The Deck Say? June 4, 2024

    Today’s cards: The Hierophant, Knight of Pentacles, & The Lovers. Was it duty, or tradition, that got in the way? Regardless, it was a convenient excuse that served you well until it served you up for unexpected consequences. Now, you have a decision to make. Do you continue on the path that is expected of…

  • What Does The Deck Say? May 16, 2024

    What Does The Deck Say? May 16, 2024

    Today’s cards: Four of Cups, The Hierophant – V, & Seven of Disks. Too much of a good thing is generally not a good thing. But it’s hard to put a stop to it when it feels so good (at first). If necessary, get help from a professional or from someone that has been trained…

  • What Does The Deck Say? February 29, 2024

    What Does The Deck Say? February 29, 2024

    Today’s cards: 2 of Coins, The Hierophant – V (reversed), & The Hermit – IX (reversed).

  • What Does The Deck Say? November 20, 2023

    What Does The Deck Say? November 20, 2023

    Today’s cards: Prince of Cups, The Hierophant – V, The Age – XX.

  • What Does The Deck Say? September 28, 2023

    What Does The Deck Say? September 28, 2023

    Today’s cards: The Wheel – X, The Hierophant – V, & The Moon – XVIII.

  • What Does The Deck Say? August 8, 2023

    What Does The Deck Say? August 8, 2023

    Today’s cards: Three of Wands, Hierophant – V, & Two of Swords.