Today’s cards: Hanged Man –XII, X of Cups, & Page of Cups.
The outcome you were told to achieve by any means necessary is actually the Bad Ending™. Your personal cost would never be reimbursed and the long-lasting changes it will force on you will always place you at a disadvantage for the things you personally want. It’s time to let go of other people’s ideals. Let them fight the conflict they are chafing for. To them, you will appear to have given up, and they will gladly leave you in the ditch you won’t get out of. But in that low space, useless to others, you will find the resources you need to recover from what they forced on you, and a new way to move forward towards the Good Ending™ that is your personal and private goal.
TrueBlack is the brainchild of Arthur Wang, designer and illustrator. All 22 Major Arcana cards feature an individual and distinctive additional gloss design, specifically illustrated to complement the card, which is difficult to capture in an image but a delight to view in person. All designs, illustrations, logistics, photography, and production is handled by Arthur. The TrueBlack Tarot is ©TrueBlack, LLC.
“What Does The Deck Say” is a weekday series of 3 card pulls from a cartomancy deck. No context or query is given to frame what the cards say as the posts are reading samples and not personal instruction. The result is sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, and usually surprising. All readers are invited to leave a comment about what they perceive in the random spread as each person will interact with the cards in their own way.
Personalized, direct, and private cartomancy readings are available via Ko-Fi: Noxporium.