The Legacy of the Divine is a work of art by Ciro Marchetti. Warm images tell a fantastic story across rural, urban, and fantasy settings. A visually inviting deck, it has hints of esotericism for those that are seeking such things, but those hints do not interfere with those that do not.
Today’s cards: The High Priestess, 9 of Coinsrv, & 5 of Swordsrv.

What was said to you was not cruel, no matter how much your wounded pride may scream. Some truths strike deeper than others, and now it is entirely up to you if this truth draws blood. Do you hide behind your privilege, and claim inadequacy? Or do you admit you have been on the wrong side of the battleground all this time?
See something different? The comments are open for 14 days from date of posting. Have at it!