The Sweeney Tarot was designed to read with reversals. Having the expected 78 cards, one could use any system of meanings with it. However Lee Bradford has put deep thought into the meanings of the Sweeney Tarot, making sure it is approachable by all and without occult or religious concerns that would restrict its audience or use.
Today’s cards: 10 of Swords, 6 of Swords, & The Lovers.

(Reader’s note: The Sweeney’s 10 of Swords is interpreted differently from most Waite-Smith derived decks. It is the Querent that is holding the dagger.) Done. That’s the opening statement of this pull. You are 185.999% done, and now you’re going to put things right no matter what damage comes as a result of it. You have been separated far too long from the attentions of your heart, and now is the time to render those obstacles moot and reunite with what has been keeping you going all this time. While the cards themselves end on a happy note, remember this is but one chapter of a book in progress. Eventually, your actions are going to catch up with you, so make the best of the moments you have now.
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