What Does The Deck Say? January 17, 2023

Fey Tarot: Ace of Wands, 8 of Swords, & 7 of Chalices. ©Lo Scarabeo.

Today’s cards: Ace of Wands, 8 of Swords, & 7 of Chalices.

You’re off to a good start, but remember it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Watching the line go up makes you feel good right now, but that trajectory is not sustainable. Set reasonable restrictions now lest you burn through your initial resources too fast. Those who take offense at your mature actions will promise you that the worst thing that could possibly happen will certainly not happen and will do their best to convince you to continue recklessly. This isn’t a race that you have to win. You don’t have to be the first nor the best. You just have to keep going on your terms at a pace that will last you through the day.

The Fey Tarot is the work of Mara Aghem. While the card names mostly track conventional tarot naming, the scenes differ from Pamela Coleman Smith’s renditions. Not all minors display the full pip count of their number. Rather, the scenes are meant to evoke the intuition of the reader rather than depend on long lists of regurgitated meanings. The Fey Tarot is ©Lo Scarabeo.

What Does The Deck Say” is a weekday series of 3 card pulls from a cartomancy deck. No context or query is given to frame what the cards say as the posts are reading samples and not personal instruction. The result is sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, and usually surprising. All readers are invited to leave a comment about what they perceive in the random spread as each person will interact with the cards in their own way.

Personalized, direct, and private cartomancy readings are available via Ko-Fi: Noxporium.

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