What Does The Deck Say? December 21, 2021

Legacy of the Divine: Knight of Swords (reversed), Temperance – XIV, & The Tower – XVI. ©Llewellyn Worldwide.

Today’s cards: Knight of Swords (reversed), Temperance – XIV, & The Tower – XVI.

It was hoped that by staying still, everything would come into balance on its own without intervention. That the proper actions would happen at the proper time to restore the harmony that everyone hoped for. Unfortunately, what happened was the opposite of that hope. Now is the time for action and movement. Do what you have to do to make it through.

The Legacy of the Divine is a tarot deck designed by Ciro Marchetti. Warm images tell a fantastic story across rural, urban, and fantasy settings. A visually inviting deck, it has hints of esotericism for those that are seeking such things, but those hints do not interfere with those that do not. The Legacy of the Divine is ©Llewellyn Worldwide.

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