What Does The Deck Say? November 12, 2020
Today’s cards: The Fool [0], The Wisest [V], & 3 of Swords.
What Does The Deck Say? November 11, 2020
Today’s cards: Ace of Coins, 7 of Cups (reversed), & Death [XIII].
What Does The Deck Say? November 10, 2020
Today’s cards: The Chariot [VII], The Sun [XIX], & Art [XIV].
Ceci n’est pas une post
Taking a step back so I can start at good pace next week. Be kind to yourself as you are to strangers because you are a stranger to someone else and you deserve kindness, too.
Ceci n’est pas une post
Ambition is a teacher quick to explain hubris as viscerally as possible. My apologies: There will not be a post for November 5, 2020. Make your own luck today so no one can make bad luck for you.
What Does The Deck Say? November 3, 2020
Today’s cards: Young Staff, Papa Blade, & Two of Coins.
What Does The Deck Say? November 2, 2020
Today’s cards: 3 Cups, 4 Cups, & 3 Batons.
What Does The Deck Say? October 30, 2020
Today’s cards: King of Coins, 7 of Swords, & The Hermit [IX].