The Bosch Tarot is a series of collages based on the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch. Using a unique set of meanings that is not derived from Waite, it will sometimes read direct, and sometimes read like a koan. It is a good deck for introspection and examination of internal motives.
Today’s cards: Knight of Wands, Strength [XI], & Ace of Wands.
Bosch Tarot: Knight of Wands, Strength [XI], & Ace of Wands.“Excuse me.” That’s it. That’s the magic words you need for today. Even though what you want to achieve sounds daunting and nearly impossible. Even though those you have to say those words to are cold-hearted and gruff. If you say nothing, then nothing gets done. If you stand up to your greatest fear, you will find that fear crumbling. You know what you want. Now go get it. “Excuse me. I want to…”
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