What Does The Deck Say? November 23, 2018

The Universal Waite Tarot: The Knight of Pentacles (reversed), The High Priestess [II], & The Hierophant {V] (reversed). ©US Games Systems

The Universal Waite is Mary Hanson-Roberts’ recolored rendition of the Waite-Smith deck. Nearly identical lining is softened by gentle coloring. Some faces have been reworked to be more pleasing to the eye. ©US Games Systems

Today’s cards: The Knight of Pentacles (reversed), The High Priestess [II], & The Hierophant {V] (reversed). ©US Games Systems

Hold up before you choke up. Your instinct is correct but your methods leave a lot to be desired, such as being capable of actually producing the thing. Come out of the field and sit back down at the table. Your faith may be strong enough to inspire you, but it can’t crack open the rock you’re about to run into.

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