The Legacy of the Divine and the Sweeney Tarot are the only decks in my stable I read reversals for. While Waite does have explicit reversed meanings, I look at the neighboring cards and the context of the query to determine if the cards in question are ill-dignified or not. Having all the cards come up reversed is a significant rarity for me. I don’t “correct” an all reversed throw. If tarot is a game of chance, then all chances are equally valid.
Today’s cards: 2 of Coinsrv, Knight of Swordsrv, & 9 of Coinsrv.
Since you can’t play well with others, you’re going to take your ball and go home? Go ahead. Surround yourself with things. You are building your prison from the inside out.
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2 responses to “What Does The Deck Say? May 28 2014”
you mistyped 2 of cups instead of 2 of coins.
That I did. Corrected. Thank you.