The Legacy of the Divine is a work of art by Ciro Marchetti. Warm images tell a fantastic story across rural, urban, and fantasy settings. A visually inviting deck, it has hints of esotericism for those that are seeking such things, but those hints do not interfere with those that do not.
Today’s cards: Knight of Coins, The Sun, & 7 of Wands.

Fighting for the sake of fighting is a good way to lose it all. You’re ready to make your mark but before you strike, make sure you are aiming at the right target. Don’t take on the first challenge that confronts you. Stand back for a bit, and examine what the day reveals to you. Don’t aim to silence the loudest noise. Aim to break through what is holding you back. If that means choosing to make the healthy choice for lunch instead of shutting down the office gossip, then have a good lunch and let the gossiper dig their own hole.
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