The Legacy of the Divine tarot is an artistic work by Ciro Marchetti. While the imagery is based loosely on the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, the official meanings of the deck are a collaboration between Ciro Marchetti, Ruth Ann, Wald Amberstone, James Ricklef, and Leisa ReFalo and demonstrate a mix of Waite’s and Crowley’s systems as well as symbolism sparked by Ciro’s art in the cards. Purists might want to shield their eyes. The meanings would not work well with any other deck, but with the Legacy of the Divine, they make a perfect match. Certain imagery and symbolism will not make sense until the reader understands they spring from the short story included in the official guidebook. It is up to the reader to keep the story and fiction, or to use their own personal meanings for the cards.
Today’s cards: 3 of Cups, 7 of Coins, & Ace of Wands.

Be happy for the first fruits, yes! But be tempered in your celebration. The hard work is only beginning, and you will need an enduring strength to see it to the end.
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