What Does The Deck Say? June 03 2016

Each suit in the Bag of Bones playing card deck tells a visual story progressing from Ace to Ten. A heartwarming lamia, a persistent gardener, a spider’s catch, and a clumsy walker make for quick stories. The court cards stand alone, but have tales for themselves. For those wishing something more pleasant, Artiphany also has decks featuring dogs, kittens, and mermaids.

Today’s cards: 8 of Hearts, 7 of Spades, & Queen of Diamonds.

Bag of Bones: 8 of Hearts, 7 of Spades, & Queen of Diamonds.
Bag of Bones: 8 of Hearts, 7 of Spades, & Queen of Diamonds.

You wanna go at it, but all you know how to do is talk about it. Welp, the only out is through. The learning curve is as steep as your ambition, and you’ll create new expletives before all is done, but the reward is worth the effort and what you will have learned will stay with you long after the party is cleaned up.

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One response to “What Does The Deck Say? June 03 2016”

  1. So, things are good right now, but before you reach your desired outcome, you’ll have to deal with some baggage first. Whatever is in your way is something you have decided to ignore or push into the shadows and now its come back to bite you in the butt. However, if you tackle it with your head held high, you have a chance to reach your goal. Heck, you might even impress someone who has some power or standing in the situation who will reward you for your efforts. Bright Blessings!

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