Each suit in the Bag of Bones playing card deck tells a visual story progressing from Ace to Ten. A heartwarming lamia, a persistent gardener, a spider’s catch, and a clumsy walker make for quick stories. The court cards stand alone, but have tales for themselves. For those wishing something more pleasant, Artiphany also has decks featuring dogs, kittens, and mermaids.
Today’s cards: Jack of Clubs, 3 of Clubs, & 8 of Hearts.

That coworker of yours is cute. The cards agree. However, that coworker of yours is a fellow employee, and is likely considered off-limits for anything more than witty banter. If you decide to court them outright, you are going to meet a lot of resistance and no small amount of stinkeye from folks that regard office romance as the fast track to the unemployment line. But that coworker is not only cute, but also receptive to you. If the two of you are willing and determined, then you can make it work. Mutual effort is the key.
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