What Does The Deck Say? July 23 2014

The Legacy of the Divine’s meanings read like a reconciliation between Waite and Crowley. While purists of either system will be howling at the mingling of meanings and symbolism, the deck stands for itself and Leisa ReFalo’s meanings have proven themselves over the years.

Today’s cards: 10 of Coinsrv, Faith [V]rv, & 10 of Wands.

Legacy of the Divine: 10 of Coins reversed, Faith [V] reversed, & 10 of Wands.
Legacy of the Divine: 10 of Coinsrv, Faith [V]rv, & 10 of Wands.
Stepping away from the traditions and patterns that once kept you secure is scary, terrible, and the start of a wonderful adventure. If you were able to carry all that weight before, just think of what you are now capable of without it!

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