What Does The Deck Say? July 20, 2021

Sweeney Tarot: The Fool [0] (reversed), 5 of Swords (reversed), & The Wheel of Fortune [X] (reversed). ©Lee Bradford.

Today’s cards: The Fool [0] (reversed), 5 of Swords (reversed), & The Wheel of Fortune [X] (reversed).

That situation you’re about to walk into is not as straight-forward as it appears. That person about to make a beginner’s mistake is neither a beginner nor are they acting out of ignorance. That critical misstep that will leave them at a disadvantage is doing precisely what they intended it to do, to mislead you into making an error of your own. That lucky break that saves them from their actions has nothing to do with happenstance and everything to do with manipulating you. Nothing about the situation is what it appears to be. Act accordingly.

The Sweeney Tarot was designed to read with reversals. Having the expected 78 cards, one could use any system of meanings with it. However creator and artist Lee Bradford has put deep thought into the meanings of the Sweeney Tarot, making sure it is approachable by all and without occult or religious concerns that would restrict its audience or use. The Sweeney Tarot is ©Lee Bradford.

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