The Thoth Tarot is a Love It or Leave It deck. It can be used without knowledge of Thelema or the means by which Crowley arrived at his meanings. Or you can peek into the rabbit hole, and find a new world to explore. Keep in mind that Crowley’s Knights are the same as Waite’s Kings, and Crowley’s Princes are the same as Waite’s Knights. Why? Because Crowley.
Today’s Cards: 5 of Disks, Knight of Disks, & 4 of Swords.

Your usual efforts will result in less than usual output. Take a breath. Remember that we all have “off days” when nothing will seem to go right. Keep your expectations realistic and make any adjustments necessary to make up for the day. But most of all, don’t allow this one day to color the rest of the work. After all, “perfect” is a moving target always out of reach, but “good enough” is all that is required.
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