The Thoth Tarot is a Love It or Leave It deck. It can be used without knowledge of Thelema or the means by which Crowley arrived at his meanings. Or you can peek into the rabbit hole, and find a new world to explore.
Today’s cards: Ace of Wands, 7 of Wands, & 5 of Wands.

You’re ready for launch and coffee is only a formality at this point. You know to get what you want, you’re going to have to fight for it. Good. However, don’t get so wrapped up in the slugfest of it, that you miss out on seizing what you were fighting for. It will be very easy to get lost in the striving of it all, that you lose sight on when to stop. Don’t allow yourself to become one of those people that stir up conflict for the sake of conflict. Know when to quit the field, and exit.
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