What Does The Deck Say? January 01 2017

One of many Baraja Española decks, The Baraja Azteca is a 48 card deck of playing cards used for such games as Brisca, Tute, and Mus. This 48-card variant of the deck contains four suits; Oros (Coins), Bastos (Clubs), Espadas (Swords), and Copas (Cups). While the deck is made primarily for play, it functions well as a divination tool. Each reader uses their own personal understanding and intuition to interpret the cards.

Today’s cards: 1 Basto, 11 Copas, & 9 Bastos.

You have been at this for a long time, and you still have the same passion for it now as you did at the start. It feels like this wave you’re riding will remain consistent for a long time to come, and while I hope the same for you, be prepared for that wave to dump you without any notice. Are you prepared to change your mode of being should you not be able to do as you have loved to do? It is a terrible thing to consider, yes, but consider it while you have a safe position to consider it from.

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