Today’s cards: Eight of Wands, Nine of Swords, & The High Priestess – II.
You can’t outrun that concern, nor trick it into being something not worth thinking about. Very well, then. Turn and face it. Sit with it, prickly as it is, and examine the strings of thought that hold it together. Look past what it claims to be and reveal the root of worry that needs to be dealt with. Is it something you can fix right now? If so, work on it. If not, now that you have identified the core of the thing, put it to the side so you can work on those things that need to be worked on right now. Either way, you have made an achievement.
The RM (Red Magician) Tarot is a limited edition deck created by artist Jay LeRoy. Being that it was originally meant to be the artist’s personal tarot, the artwork is a collage-based, subconsciously-driven interpretation of Hermetic and universal symbolism. The Red Magician Tarot is ©Jay LeRoy.
“What Does The Deck Say” is a weekday series of 3 card pulls from a cartomancy deck. No context or query is given to frame what the cards say as the posts are reading samples and not personal instruction. The result is sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, and usually surprising. All readers are invited to leave a comment about what they perceive in the random spread as each person will interact with the cards in their own way.
Personalized, direct, and private cartomancy readings are available via Ko-Fi: Noxporium.