This 39 card deck by Caitlín Matthews and Virginia Lee includes two sets of Man and Woman cards, along with an extra Diviner card. The two sets of Man and Woman allows the reading to be tailored to the circumstances of the Querent. One pair is portrayed with light skin and the other pair is portrayed with dark skin. The unused cards are removed from the deck before shuffling. The Diviner (37) is not required for Lenormand reading. I include it with my throws as it makes an excellent “pay attention to what follows” card.
Today’s cards: Tower + Bear + Diviner.

It may not be made of black obsidian and guarded by wyverns, but the bureaucracy you’re facing is just as daunting. The Official Way of doing things is taking too long and holding your resources hostage. What is a person to do? There are always alternative ways, but it is up to you to vet them. Use your favorite method of divination, or consult your favorite diviner to find how to push the slow-moving gears another notch or how to bypass the machine entirely. Just remember that all advice (including this one), is only advice, and you are still responsible for your actions.
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