Today’s cards: Queen of Roses, 9 of Feathers, & 4 of Feathers.
If you do nothing, nothing comes of it. If you reach, there will be something that you can grasp. Today, sit with yourself and be honest as you assess what is it you think you want and what it is that you feel you need. Those things that are good for you, that enrich you, that heal you, reach for them. Take what you can so tomorrow you can reach a little further.
The Corvid Romantic Playing Cards are a “poker” deck designed and illustrated by Megan Weber. Under the name of “Zaheroux“, she showcases her nature and magic inspired artwork. Please note that the Corvid Romantic’s Feathers are read as Clubs, the Bones are read as Spades, the Crystals are read as Diamonds, and the Roses are read as Hearts.
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