What Does The Deck Say? July 16, 2020
Today’s cards: 5 of Cups, 6 of Swords (reversed), & Ace of Cups.
What Does The Deck Say? July 1, 2020
Today’s cards: King of Wands, Queen of Wands, & The Fool [0].
What Does The Deck Say? June 15, 2020
Today’s cards: 8 of Swords (reversed), Page of Wands, & Ace of Swords (reversed).
What Does The Deck Say? May 28, 2020
Today’s cards: 5 of Swords, Page of Wands, & 5 of Wands.
What Does The Deck Say? May 13, 2020
Today’s cards: The Tower [XVI], 10 of Swords, & King of Swords.
What Does The Deck Say? April 28, 2020
Today’s cards: 9 of Wands (reversed), 5 of Swords, & The High Priestess [II] (reversed).
What Does The Deck Say? April 14, 2020
Today’s cards: Judgement [XX] (reversed), 10 of Pentacles (reversed), & The High Priestess [II].
What Does The Deck Say? March 24, 2020
Today’s cards: Queen of Wands (reversed), King of Wands (reversed), & 10 of Cups.
What Does The Deck Say? March 9, 2020
Today’s cards: 8 of Wands, 3 of Swords (reversed), & 9 of Wands (reversed).
Free Card Reading: Anonymous
Anonymous asks: “Will I get the job?” The Universal Waite answers: The Tower [XVI].