What Does The Deck Say? November 18 2016
“What Does The Deck Say” is a daily series of 3 card pulls from a cartomancy deck. No context or query is given to frame what the cards say. The result is sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, and usually surprising. All readers are invited to play along. Deck used: The Universal Waite Tarot.
Free Tarot Reading: Anonymous
Free Tarot Reading: Anonymous “Will the end result be achieved?”
Free Tarot Reading: mark
Free Tarot Reading: “what is my future?”
Free Tarot Reading: Anonymous
Free Tarot Reading: “why does he continue to attack me?”
Free Tarot Reading: Unseen Place
Free Tarot Reading: “What’s going on in the place that can’t be seen?”
Public Reading: 2014-11-07.03
Public Reading: “Anonymous” inquires: “How does he feel about me? (Thanks for doing this, by the way!)” Deck: Universal Waite tarot.
Public Reading: 2014-11-07.02
Public Reading: “sylvia” inquires: “tell me” Deck: Universal Waite tarot.
Public Reading: 2014-11-07.01
Public Reading: “Heartsore” inquires: “Should I be concerned about the SO’s relationship with the Girl?” Deck: Universal Waite tarot.
Public Reading: 2014-11-06.01
Public Reading: “Brenda” inquires: “There is a lot of turmoil in my local spiritual community lately. Are these minor shake-ups typical in any community or and they tremors foreshadowing major earthquakes? Do I step in reinforce structures or stand back and let peices fall where they may?” Deck: Universal Waite tarot.
Public Reading: 2014-11-05.01
Public Reading: “Anonymous” inquires: “Love” Deck: Universal Waite tarot.