What Does The Deck Say? September 4, 2020
Today’s cards: Ace of Swords, Page of Cups (reversed), & The Magician [I].
What Does The Deck Say? July 7, 2020
Today’s cards: 8 of Cups, The Tower [XVI], & The Magician [I].
What Does The Deck Say? March 12, 2020
Today’s cards: Knight of Cups, The Magician [I], & 4 of Cups.
What Does The Deck Say? January 28, 2020
Today’s cards: Knight of Cups (reversed), The Magician [I], & 8 of Wands (reversed).
What Does The Deck Say? January 16, 2020
Today’s cards: 3 of Cups, The Magician [I], & The Fool [0].
Free Card Reading: Laguz
Laguz asks: “Iām overwhelmed with car problems, house problems & medical bills. I know that I need to prioritize and then take steps. What should I focus on 1st? What is the best approach?” The Modern Spellcaster Tarot answers: Queen of Swords, Two of Wands (reversed), Magician [I] (reversed), and Sun [XIX].
What Does The Deck Say? November 27, 2019
Today’s cards: 10 of Cups (reversed), The Moon [XVIII] (reversed), & The Magician [I].
What Does The Deck Say? October 30, 2019
The Bosch Tarot is a series of collages based on the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch. Using a unique set of meanings that doesn’t always aligns with Waite, it will sometimes read direct, and sometimes read like a koan. It is a good deck for introspection and examination of internal motives. The Bosch Tarot is presented…
What Does The Deck Say? October 4, 2019
The Modern Spellcaster’s Tarot is created by Melanie Marquis and illustrated by Scott Murphy. Breaking with popular thought, this deck assigns the element of Fire to the suit of Swords and the element of Air to the suit of Wands. Blending contemporary and pagan scenes, the deck can be a collection of visual art or…
What Does The Deck Say? September 2, 2019
The Bosch Tarot is a series of collages based on the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch. Using a unique set of meanings that doesn’t always aligns with Waite, it will sometimes read direct, and sometimes read like a koan. It is a good deck for introspection and examination of internal motives. The Bosch Tarot is presented…