What Does The Deck Say? February 7, 2025
Today’s cards: 6 of Spades, 10 of Hearts, & Ace of Spades. It’s quite tempting to think that everything is going along just fine and that for all that is happening to everyone else, you’re doing pretty damn well. It’s not like the consequences of your actions are about to catch up with you, or…
What Does The Deck Say? January 31, 2025
Today’s cards: 10 of Hearts, Queen of Clubs, & 4 of Diamonds. Despite it all, things are going well for you. So well, that you are considering sharing it with that someone special because they have been there for you all this time, right? So that red flag that you keep willfully ignoring because it…
What Does The Deck Say? December 27, 2024
Today’s cards: 10 of Hearts, Jack of Clubs, & 8 of Spades. The party went great, but that last conversation you had with your friend wasn’t filled with mirth. So soon after it happened, you feel like there is no coming back from this one, that you have gone too far and that relationship is…
What Does The Deck Say? April 19, 2024
Today’s cards: 10 of Hearts, 10 of Diamonds, & 4 of Diamonds. You won’t see it coming, but you should prepare for it nonetheless. If today is that day for you, you will have the opportunity to accept it into your life and allow it to become a part of everything you know. However, there…
What Does The Deck Say? July 26, 2023
Today’s cards: 2 of Feathers, 10 of Hearts, & 2 of Hearts.
What Does The Deck Say? October 12, 2022
Today’s cards: 10 of Roses, 3 of Feathers, & Ace of Crystals.
What Does The Deck Say? July 13, 2022
Today’s cards: 10 of Roses, 5 of Bones, & 10 of Feathers.
What Does The Deck Say? June 8, 2022
Today’s cards: 3 of Feathers, 9 of Roses, & 10 of Roses.
What Does The Deck Say? December 31, 2020
Today’s cards: Jack of Crystals, 10 of Roses, & 7 of Bones.
What Does The Deck Say? November 4, 2020
Today’s cards: 10 of Roses, 7 of Feathers, & Queen of Bones.