Query submitted via the Free Cartomancy Readings page.
“Possumprincess” inquires: “How will I obtain the Enlightenment/Awakening that I have felt all my life, so desperate for? I feel like it will be the only thing fulfilling for me in this life, but I don’t know why. I am sorry if this is weirdly worded. Just very confused, Thank you!”
Legacy of the Divine: 4 of Coinsrv, 6 of Swordsrv, & 5 of Wands.

You’re running after a false ideal. Stop running. Stand still. Take a good hard look at why you feel this is all you have to strive for. Ironically, the moment you stop chasing after it, is the moment you start working towards it. Not to say that actively seeking enlightenment is a bad thing! But if you make it your only goal in life, you’ll miss out on so much that would have been able to help you towards achieving enlightenment. Be here, in the now. Even though it is unpleasant, it is right here and you can grasp it.