Query submitted via the Free Cartomancy Readings page.
“She” inquires: “When will we communicate? Thank you.”
Legacy of the Divine: 3 of Coinsrv, 9 of Cups, & King of Swords.

Late December will be when the channels of communication become easier to use. Between then and the middle of January is a good time for all involved to sit down and actually talk with each other. Take advantage of the festive outings, even if it is just to hang out at your local coffee-shop. Of course, you can start the process of mending now so by December 22nd, it will be easier to speak up.
2 responses to “Public Reading: 2014-11-25.02”
Thanks for the reading. But this is assuming that there will be communication?
I ask coz we aren’t in touch right now!
Yes. This is assuming that there will be two-way communication. You say you’re not in touch right now, but is there anything (other than pride or hardware) that is stopping you from trying? The more you try (and be civil about it), the easier it will be when the window of opportunity opens next month. The longer there is no attempt to bridge that divide, the less communication will actually happen.