Public Reading: 2014-11-25.01

Query submitted via the Free Cartomancy Readings page.

Anonymous” inquires: “When will I find love ? Thanks.

Legacy of the Divine: 10 of Wandsrv, 10 of Coinsrv, & 8 of Cupsrv.

Legacy of the Divine: 10 of Wands reversed, 10 of Coins reversed, & 8 of Cups reversed.
Legacy of the Divine: 10 of Wandsrv, 10 of Coinsrv, & 8 of Cupsrv.

When you let go of harmful ideals that only exist in stories often told by those trying to convince themselves that they are happy when in fact they are abjectly wretched and think it can’t get any better than what they have. When you stop beating yourself up for not being as perfect/talented/charming/rich as That Person You Love-Hate and accept that you are as you are. When you stop allowing the failures of yesterday to take up more space in your memory than they are due and moving in fear of repeating those failures again tomorrow because if you have fucked up once, you’ll do it again. Right?


You are holding yourself captive. Release yourself. Then you will find love.

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