Public Reading: 2014-11-10.03

Query submitted via the Free Cartomancy Readings page.

Anonymous” inquires: “I would be grateful for any insight as to whether I should change majors. Should I stay as a religious studies major or change majors (at the moment considering a change to education)? Thank you ahead of time! Your readings are always very helpful.

Fey Tarot: 7 of Chalices, 8 of Wands, & 10 of Wands.

Fey Tarot: 7 of Chalices, 8 of Wands, & 10 of Wands.
Fey Tarot: 7 of Chalices, 8 of Wands, & 10 of Wands.

You are being led by your emotions (and your fears). This is a question the cards cannot answer for you, so instead they are directing you to sit down before you take that flying leap. You need to sort out why you’re considering the change, what is spurring you, and what is actually driving this. Once you have the “What If”, “Should I”, and “But!” phantasms under control, then commit yourself to your choice in studies and seize it with steady hands. (Glad to have been of help, and glad to help you now.)

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