What Does The Deck Say? September 06 2014
“What Does The Deck Say” is a daily series of 3 card pulls from a cartomancy deck. No context or query is given to frame what the cards say. The result is sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, and usually surprising. All readers are invited to play along.
Public Reading: 2014-09-05.01
Public Reading: “Anonymous” inquires: “Am I right to abandon the crush I have? (Not the person, obviously. Just the unfortunate feelings I developed for him.)”
What Does The Deck Say? September 04 2014
“What Does The Deck Say” is a daily series of 3 card pulls from a cartomancy deck. No context or query is given to frame what the cards say. The result is sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, and usually surprising. All readers are invited to play along.
Public Reading: 2014-09-03.02
Public Reading: “Anonymous” inquires: “Hello! I just came into a bit of money, and am going to try my hand at a risky, but fun method of earning a little extra income. Nothing I’m betting the farm on, of course, but I’d like to know what the cards think of my chances. Thanks!”
Public Reading: 2014-09-03.01
Public Reading: “Fox” inquires: “Can you tell me anything about the person I’m supposed to ultimately end up with (romantically)? Specifically, what they’re like personality-wise or that kind of thing.)”
What Does The Deck Say? September 03 2014
“What Does The Deck Say” is a daily series of 3 card pulls from a cartomancy deck. No context or query is given to frame what the cards say. The result is sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, and usually surprising. All readers are invited to play along.
Public Reading: 2014-09-02.02
Public Reading: “Anonymous” inquires: “A general reading on my love life ? Thanks. (๑・v・๑)”
Public Reading: 2014-09-02.01
Public Reading: “Anonymous” inquires: “I got an opportunity but I’m scared to take it just because of my schedule. May I get a reading on the event ?”
What Does The Deck Say? September 02 2014
“What Does The Deck Say” is a daily series of 3 card pulls from a cartomancy deck. No context or query is given to frame what the cards say. The result is sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, and usually surprising. All readers are invited to play along.