Free Card Reading: Jose Angel Preciado
Jose Angel Preciado asks: “My wife is unhappy with our relationship, how can I make thing better between the two of us?” The Fey Tarot answer: 8 of Chalices.
Free Card Reading: Anonymous
Anonymous asks: “How will he react to the confession?” The Bosch Tarot answers: 2 of Pentacles.
Free Card Reading: Anonymous
Anonymous asks: “Hello, Nox. I like your interpretations of the majors very much. Punchy! I’m going through a hard time emotionally, w/o gory details, and I’d like to ask your cards what is the number one thing I need to focus on in order to best help myself. Thank you!” The Sweeney Tarot answers: 6…
Free Card Reading: Laguz
Laguz asks: “I’m overwhelmed with car problems, house problems & medical bills. I know that I need to prioritize and then take steps. What should I focus on 1st? What is the best approach?” The Modern Spellcaster Tarot answers: Queen of Swords, Two of Wands (reversed), Magician [I] (reversed), and Sun [XIX].
Free Card Reading: Anonymous
Anonymous asks: “Should I start looking for a new job?” The Universal Waite answers: Eight of Swords (reversed).
Free Card Reading: Anonymous
Anonymous asks: “About love“ The Universal Waite answers: Ace of Swords (reversed).
Free Card Reading: nonny
nonny asks: “Why is the spirit still with me? I’m not the best companion.“ Tavaglione’s Stairs of Gold answers: 7 of Coins.
Free Card Reading: Anonymous
Anonymous asks: “Im 26 and never been in a relationship. I find it really hard to connect with people and I have tried online dating from time to time but no duh luck. My question here , after my spill, is: what do i need to do to find love ?“ So just to let…