Public Reading: 2014-10-17.01
Public Reading: “Anonymous” inquires: “A general reading of life please. I just feel out of control and shedding some light would help. Thanks !” Deck: Fey Tarot.
Public Reading: 2014-10-15.02
Public Reading: “Anonymous” inquires: “Sweeney, if you please! What’s the forecast for my love life, if you don’t mind? Thanks!”
Public Reading: 2014-10-15.01
Public Reading: “Anonymous” inquires: “Can I have a reading on my spiritual life using the Thoth deck ? Thanks ( ^ω^)”
Public Reading: 2014-09-26.02
Public Reading: “Amor” inquires: “A general reading of my love life would be most appreciated. Muchas gracias!”
Public Reading: 2014-09-26.01
Public Reading: “Anony” inquires: “What does He want from me and why?”
Public Reading: 2014-09-25.01
Public Reading: “Anonymous” inquires: “What is this lucrative venture that keeps being brought up in readings for me ever since the end of last year – without me even asking about this – that I’m not being able to pinpoint or collect from? lol What am I missing here?”