Today’s cards: 3 of Hearts, 4 of Diamonds, & Jack of Hearts.
It’s not much, but it’s the first good thing that has happened in a while. And it will be the only interesting thing that will happen for a while longer. Don’t overlook what happens today because it is small in scope and limited in effect. It is a reminder that good things can happen to you, but also a reminder that sometimes instead of waiting for those good things to come on their own, perhaps you should spend some time making sure that there is space for those good things to happen. Take some time today tidying up, working on a hobby, and making sure that whatever is happening outside of you, you still have room in your heart for joy.
This modern deck of playing cards looks like it has been locked up for nearly a century, waiting for someone to come along and rediscover it. The intricate casing has aged beautifully as the tuck has yellowed but the red has kept its vibrant color through the years. This deck of playing cards is printed by Bicycle and produced by Collectable Playing Cards. The Bicycle Vintage Playing Cards is ©Bicycle Cards.
“What Does The Deck Say” is a weekday series of 3 card pulls from a cartomancy deck. No context or query is given to frame what the cards say as the posts are reading samples and not personal instruction. The result is sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, and usually surprising. All readers are invited to leave a comment about what they perceive in the random spread as each person will interact with the cards in their own way.
Personalized, direct, and private cartomancy readings are available via Ko-Fi: Noxporium.