What Does The Deck Say? September 23, 2019

Universal Tarot of Marseille: King of Swords, 8 of Cups, & Queen of Swords.

The Universal Tarot of Marseille is primarily based on a Swiss deck created in 1751 by by Claude Burdel. The pips have color backgrounds to assist readers with distinguishing suite and the majors have had the lines refined and color backgrounds added to soften the overall look. The Universal Tarot of Marseille is ©Lo Scarabeo.

Today’s cards: King of Swords, 8 of Cups, & Queen of Swords.

This is a game where the only winning move is not to play. Avoid taking sides if you can. If you’re stuck in the mire of it all, justify the trust others hold in you, and expect that trust to be tested. The wounds you incur by being righteous will be nothing compared to the consequences of betraying others.

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