What Does The Deck Say? October 28 2014

The Thoth Tarot is a Love It or Leave It deck. It can be used without knowledge of Thelema or the means by which Crowley arrived at his meanings. Or you can peek into the rabbit hole, and find a new world to explore.

Today’s cards: 5 of Disks, The Devil, & The Hanged Man.

Thoth Tarot: 5 of Disks, The Devil, & The Hanged Man.
Thoth Tarot: 5 of Disks, The Devil, & The Hanged Man.

Worry got you tied up today. It’s not helping that the part of you that would take a safe way down from your tree of conundrums went back to bed. So now you’re stuck between the worries that chased you up the tree and the worries trying to kick you out of it. Sometimes, you just have to say “Fuck it”, and jump.

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