Tavaglione’s Stairs of Gold Tarot is a richly decorated esoteric book in the form of 78 tarot cards. Sometimes wildly diverging from Waite’s road, the deck can read as slim as necessary and as deep as the reader is willing to focus.
![Stairs of Gold: 4 of Staves, The Magician [I], & Knight of Cups.](https://i1.wp.com/noxporium.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/WDTDS20181010.jpeg?fit=474%2C275&ssl=1)
Today’s cards: 4 of Staves, The Magician [I], & Knight of Cups.
The cards know you have a lot on your plate today, but make room for a moment of hospitality. You may think you are providing a moment’s rest to a complete stranger, but later you’ll realize the stranger was making the repose available to you. Who will that stranger be? Does it matter? Would you know more?
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