What Does The Deck Say? November 7, 2019

Modern Spellcaster's Tarot: Eight of Cups, Seven of Swords (reversed), & King of Cups.

The Modern Spellcaster’s Tarot is created by Melanie Marquis and illustrated by Scott Murphy. Breaking with popular thought, this deck assigns the element of Fire to the suit of Swords and the element of Air to the suit of Wands. Blending contemporary and pagan scenes, the deck can be a collection of visual art or a tool for magical act. The Modern Spellcaster’s Tarot is ©Llewellyn Publications.

Today’s cards: Eight of Cups, Seven of Swords (reversed), & King of Cups.

The cards know you’re done and that you’re ready to just cut the ties now and leave. But the cards also know that it’s not going to be that easy. Before you allow your frustration to become desperation, go have a talk with that person who has more information about the situation than you do. Maybe you can stay. Maybe you should go. But make that decision with a more complete understanding.

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