What Does The Deck Say? November 20, 2019

Stairs of Gold: Ace of Staves, Knight of Swords, & 5 of Swords.

Today’s cards: Ace of Staves, Knight of Swords, & 5 of Swords.

What you worship, you will give offerings to. What you adore, you will bleed for. Whether you want to or not. Your personal price of leaving the edifice is less than the tithe your children will pay of staying, but you have to start looking at things squarely to understand why the price of staying is sacrifice.

Tavaglione’s Stairs of Gold Tarot is a richly decorated esoteric book in the form of 78 tarot cards. Sometimes wildly diverging from Waite’s road, the deck can read as slim as necessary and as deep as the reader is willing to focus. Tavaglione’s Stairs of Gold Tarot is ©US Games Systems.

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