What Does The Deck Say? November 13 2015

Each suit in the Bag of Bones playing card deck tells a visual story progressing from Ace to Ten. A heartwarming lamia, a persistent gardener, a spider’s catch, and a clumsy walker make for quick stories. The court cards stand alone, but have tales for themselves. For those wishing something more pleasant, Artiphany also has decks featuring dogs, kittens, and mermaids.

Today’s cards: The Deck’s Title Card, otherwise known as The Stop Card.

Bag of Bones: The Deck's Title Card, otherwise known as The Stop Card.
Bag of Bones: The Deck’s Title Card, otherwise known as The Stop Card.

You’re just going to have to find out what this Friday the Thirteenth holds for you the old-fashioned way. By experiencing it one minute at a time, just like everyone else. Make sure to have fun as you go about your day and don’t harass people who take today seriously.

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